Now Available
Fillip 18 Now Available
$15 (Order)
Fillip is pleased to announce the worldwide availability of issue 18.
The issue continues Apparatus, Capture, Trace, a series edited by Kate Steinmann examining the links between biopolitics and photography. For this issue, Martha Langford investigates Vladimir Putin’s use of staged official state photography and Ahmad Hosni writes on the role of Facebook within the Egyptian revolution of January 2011.
Fillip 18 also features a special section on art and labour guest edited by Gabrielle Moser. Operating as an extension of the discussions about the financial and labour conditions of contemporary art, Always Working invites the critic and historian Sven Lütticken and the artist Natascha Sadr Haghighian to reflect on the conditions under which artistic labour is made to appear or disappear.
Fillip 18 is available for $15 USD, shipped internationally. The issue is distributed in Europe and Asia by Motto Distribution and direct from Fillip in Canada and the US. Stockists, please contact us at for more information.
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Also in Fillip 18
Bassam El Baroni in conversation with Hassan Khan
Chris Sharp on Artistic Withdrawal
Matthew Buckingham and David Harvey on Creative Destruction
Oraib Toukan on Art Education in Palestine
Alexander R. Galloway and Mohammad Salemy on Interfaces
Vanessa Nicholas on Oh, Canada
Willem de Rooij in conversation with Anna-Sophie Springer
Plus: Petra Stavast portfolio and Slide Shows art publishing insert
Vancouver Launch: August 29
Fillip and Access Gallery, Vancouver, are pleased to present Let's Talk about Love (and Work), a launch event for Fillip 18, on Thursday, August 29 at 7 pm. The launch focuses on texts from the Always Working editorial section, with readings from Vancouver-based artists and writers, including Gabrielle Moser, Jesse Birch, Allison Collins, Shaun Dacey, Amy Fung, and Vanessa Kwan, among others.
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Fillip gratefully acknowledges the support of the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, the City of Vancouver, the Canada Council for the Arts, and the British Columbia Arts Council.