
Fillip 6 — Summer 2007

The Sentence is the Page Number
Micah Lexier

Continuing his ongoing series of works investigating textual representations of numbers and statistics, Micah Lexier’s The Sentence is the Page Number transforms Fillip’s numerical pagination into a tautological word game.


About the Author

Micah Lexier is an artist, curator and collector. He has had over 90 solo exhibitions, participated in over 150 group exhibitions and produced a dozen public commissions. His largest and most recent public commission, a 400-meter metal line drawing in space, will be unveiled in Calgary in 2009. Some international group exhibitions include Numerica at the Palazzo delle Papesse—Centro Arte Contemporanea, (Siena, Italy 2007), The Time of Our Lives at the New Museum (New York 1999), and Speed at the Whitechapel Art Gallery (London, England 1998). Lexier is represented in Calgary by TrepanierBaer, in Toronto by Birch Libralato, and in Berlin by the Gitte Weise Galerie.

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