Fillip 5
Spring 2007
- Editor: Jordan Strom
- Assistant Editor: Kristina Lee Podesva
- Publisher: Jonathan Middleton
- Art Director: Jeff Khonsary
- Artist Projects: Matilda Aslizadeh, Scourge of the Beast-with-Two-Backs; Charles Gute, Super-Curators!; Germaine Koh, from an ongoing archive project
- Patrik Andersson: Against Stasis
- Colleen Brown: There Is a Horizon
- Jesse Birch and Nicholas Brown: The Absent Enthusiast
- Liz Bruchet: Having Hired a Design Team, the Bad Slept Well
- Clint Burnham: Impossibility of an Island
- Michael Eddy: Taking Down the Names of the Anonymous Movement
- Robert Eikmeyer and Slavoj Žižek: The Day After: An Interview with Slavoj Zizek
- Christian L. Frock: From (Starry Eyed) Vision to Nail
- Nate Lippens: Body Doubles
- Sara Mameni: Invasion of the Cybernetic Hand and Other Predicaments
- Cheryl Meszaros: Marked as Withdrawn
- Joseph Mosconi: Appealing Biography
- Aaron Peck: If You Build It, They Will Come
- Kathleen Ritter: Welcome to the Wild East
- Jordan Strom: Hand in (Invisible) Hand: An Editorial