Fillip 7
Winter 2008
- Editor: Jordan Strom
- Assistant Editor: Kristina Lee Podesva
- Publisher: Jonathan Middleton
- Art Director: Jeff Khonsary
- Artist Projects: Paul Chan, Untitled (Behold, I show you a mystery); Kristan Horton,
Drawing of a History of World War One; Dan Starling, Fillip Index
- Andrew Berardini: To A From Z
- Paul Chan: Untitled (Behold, I show you a mystery)
- Juan A. Gaitán: That Thinking Feeling
- Kristan Horton: Drawing of a History of World War One
- Alex Kitnick: Partial Recall
- Jacob Korczynski: Psychedelia and the Site of Cinema
- Johan Lundh: Collective Conscious
- Lisa Marshall: Where Art Meets Design
- Markus Miessen: The Violence of Participation: Spatial Practices Beyond Models of Consensus
- Charo Neville: Smooth Space Provisions: Multiple Voices in Curating
- Joseph del Pesco: From the Hip
- Teresa Steel: Chained Melody
- Jeffrey Swartz: Space-Run Artists: Art Activism and Urban Conflict in Contemporary Barcelona
- Willie Brisco, Liam Gillick, and Danna Vajda: It’s Interesting that You, with Your Values, Would Ask Me a Question Like This
- Cliff Lauson and Lawrence Weiner: Vancouver from the Outside In: Part One
- Pan Wendt: Social Fabric